Allison Lim

Materials Chemist

Photopolymerized Plastic Scintillators Capable of Pulse Shape Discrimination

Plastic scintillators are fabricated via a thermally initiated radical bulk polymerization. This process is air sensitive and time and energy intensive (5-7 days in academic settings).

Adapting technology and chemistry from the dental industry may allow for a quicker photopolymerization of plastic scintillators.

Summary of Results:
  • A two part photo-initiating system used in the dental industry combined with a dimethacrylate cross-linker allowed from bulk polymerization of 20g plastic scintillators.
  • Photo-polymerized plastic scintillators were fabricated by a 2 hour light exposure followed by a 70C post-cure, in air.
  • Despite the shorter fabrication time in air (5 fold reduction), photo-polymerized plastic scintillators performed comparable to thermally initiated analogs.
(Left) Comparison of FoM of photo and thermally initiated plastic scintillators. (Right) Photopolymerization of a plastic scintillators with blue LEDs.


Plastic scintillators with efficient light output and pulse shape discrimination produced via photoinitiated polymerization

Allison Lim, Adam Mahl, Joseph Latta, Henok A. Yemam, Uwe Greife, Alan Sellinger

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 136(15), 2019 Mar 14